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Player Requirements and Resources

Player Online Registration

  • All participating athletes must have a parent or legal guardian complete an online registration form for each league. The form serves as a waiver, liability release, code of conduct agreement, verifies USA Lacrosse membership, and collects emergency contact information.
  • All participating athletes must have an up to date USA Lacrosse membership throughout the duration of the league.
  • If an athlete does not have a valid USA Lacrosse Membership, they will be immediately redirected to USA Lacrosse's website within the registration to update the membership for your convenience.
  • Participating athletes will self-assigned to their team roster by completing the player registration form.
  • Links to each leagues player registration form can be found on the league homepage.

Athlete Age Division Waiver Request Form

  • Players wanting to play up ONE DIVISION are allowed to if approved by their Association and no GNLL Age Division Waiver is required. Players should NOT be playing up more than one age division. 
  • Athletes must register in accordance with USA Lacrosse Age Segmentation.
  • If a participating athlete is expecting to sign up and play at a LOWER age level the following steps need to be completed for approval:

1. Complete the player registration form according to the participating athlete's date of birth.

2. Complete the Age Waiver Request form by clicking on the link below

3. GNLL will notify the parent and appropriate board members of the decision regarding the waiver status in 24-48 hours. 

Generally, age division waiver requests are approved for players asking to play with their grade level, and/or within 4 months of the USA Lacrosse age division guidelines. Other requests will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

*NEW TO FALL OF 2024* All requests must be submitted by an association board member to ensure that the association aligns with the request

Player Geography

  • Players are required to compete for their home community association or school team. Home community lines mirror school district lines. Waivers may be requested to play out of the home association due to special circumstances but must be approved by the home association and the association they are wishing to join. These must be submitted to the President and Boy's/Girl's Director. Please contact the GNLL Director if contact information is needed. 
  • Players who live in communities that do not have a member association may submit a request to play for a neighboring association.
  • Players competing on school teams must attend that school or affiliated lower school.

Once the waiver request has been completed, it can be submitted to GNLL using the submission buttons below.